From the Frontline – Campaigns for animals worldwide

The world has continued to be gripped by Ruben lion’s daily activities since his arrival at the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary in late August – more about him later!
Important campaign news includes the launch of our campaign in Colombia to end horrific malaria experiments on owl monkeys, the fight to end trophy hunting, and the Stop Circus Suffering campaign.
First up, though, is the dramatic and terrifying events at the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary last weekend:

Last weekend, high winds drove high-speed wildfires across Free State, South Africa. We received an alert about a fast-moving fire 25 miles away; the team geared up, firefighters were loaded, and the lions and tigers were brought into their safe zones. In the next hours, despite all efforts to stop it, the huge fire raced along the road towards us. Briefly, it looked like it would pass us by, but the wind turned it and at 3:40pm our north field (outside the security fence) was on fire and the fire was also approaching our west border. The team split to fight the fire on both sides, pushing it back while soaking our interior border. It was extinguished at 6pm without entering the sanctuary. All animals were safe, and three tortoises found in danger outside, have started new lives at ADIWS. We are appealing for funds to install a perimeter sprinkler system here

Good News: Colombia’s Senate Plenary approved the bill to ban bullfighting during its second debate, despite a huge push from the bullfighting industry. Bullfighting supporters staged a walkout in an attempt to make the meeting inquorate to stop the vote. But with just eight minutes to go, the quorum was reached, and the bill passed with 50 votes in favor, 4 against. The bill must now pass two more Senate debates before it returns to the House of Representatives, where we are campaigning for support.

VICTORY: After years of campaigning, the UK Animals (Low-Welfare Activities Abroad) Act is now law, prohibiting travel companies and others from selling and advertising activities abroad with low standards of animal welfare, such as elephant rides, harmful wildlife interactions, and cruelty like bullfights. ADI will be following up with travel and entertainment companies to report back on how they plan to implement the law – and hopefully promote more positive activities to support nature, wildlife, and conservation.

GOOD NEWS: One of the first circuses ADI investigated for our Stop Circus Suffering USA campaign, UniverSoul Circus, is finally going animal-free! Thank you to everyone who responded to our action alerts when they came to town and helped make this victory happen. ADI will continue to press for federal legislation to eliminate this misery in the US once and for all. Please urge your Congress members to support the reintroduction of the Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPSPA)

ADI Colombia has introduced a giant owl monkey to draw attention to the suffering of owl monkeys ripped from their forest homes for unscientific and unethical malaria experiments. The owl monkey has been appearing with an ADI information stand at public events, festivals, and schools. This week the monkey – we are still inviting submissions for a name – spent the day outside the Colombian Congress for World Animal Day. Pictured is Yani Mateus, ADI Colombia, being interviewed outside Congress in Bogota this week.

Since the passing of our dear Bumba due to cancer, at around 18 years old, several supporters have asked about canvas images to remember him. We have added several images to our store, including the beautiful picture above, showing him in his African homeland after being rescued from a circus in Colombia. View and order here.

The UK Online Safety Act is now law and should restrict the depiction of animal abuse online, forcing social media companies to block the promotion of animal cruelty, specifically targeting activities enabling users to pay for, or instruct, animal torture regardless of where they take place.

Congressman Don Beyer has reintroduced the bill aiming to end animal testing for cosmetics in the US and ban the sale or transport of any cosmetic products tested on animals. Eleven US states and 44 countries worldwide have rejected these horrific and unnecessary tests. It’s time for a federal ban. ADI has emailed all Congress members, in support of the bill. Please contact your representatives and urge them to support HR5399 today

Last week ADI and 30 conservation and animal protection groups joined with TV presenter and conservationist Chris Packham outside the UK’s Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) HQ, calling for action to protect nature. The protest coincided with publication of the ‘State of Nature’ report which revealed one in six UK species face extinction and pollinator populations are collapsing.

Long tailed macaques are being pushed to the brink of extinction by the animal research industry with suppliers continuing to restock their factory farms from the wild. The latest UK statistics reveal a third of lab monkeys came from wild caught parents, despite promises to eliminate this destructive trade. Mauritius and Vietnam are two of the main exporting countries, where ADI investigators exposed the dealers. We’re calling on the EU Scientific Research Group on Wildlife Trade to review whether imports of macaques from these countries as well as from Indonesia, Cambodia, and the Philippines fulfill EU trade regulations – and urging it to reconsider its decision to lift the trade suspension for imports from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. ADI secured a promise to phase out the use of F1 monkeys (born of wild caught parents) in the last EU Directive on animal experiments, but this undertaking has not been delivered.

GOOD NEWS: In the US, it is now illegal to take horseshoe crabs from Connecticut’s beaches, with safeguards extended to other shores including New York State. This ancient species faces many threats including capture to take blood for use in product safety testing (alternative methods are available).

In a blatant attempt to force the UK Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill out of time, a small group of pro-hunting peers tabled a raft of amendments during the Committee Stage in the House of Lords. They refused to have these grouped for discussion, stalling for time by giving extended speeches supporting trophy hunting. The end of this parliamentary session is just weeks away, and the bill is now unlikely to pass. The day after the bill’s fated hearing, ADI and members of the Coalition Against Trophy Hunting stood outside Parliament with supportive Peers and MPs to urge the Government to fulfil its promise of a ban four years ago.

“Fabulous” was Dr Peter Caldwell’s reaction when he recently checked on Ruben. Ruben’s determination to walk and play with his toys at the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary has been an inspiration. Dr Caldwell noted how our habitat design and enrichment were all helping Ruben’s progress, and although there are still issues with his walking, he is steadier, his balance is better, and his spine has improved. In about three months’ time, Ruben will be sedated for a full assessment and probably dental work with Prof. Gerhard Steenkamp. In the meantime, his physiotherapy continues.

See how much Ruben has improved and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube page for more updates. 

ADI is changing the world for animals by publicizing what happens to animals, educating the public about the intelligence, emotions, and rights of the other species sharing our planet, rescues, and securing lasting animal protection through legislation. Please help us