News from ADI: lion rescue, bullfighting ban and more

The last few weeks have been extraordinary, we brought six young lions, saved from the illegal wildlife trade in Kuwait, home to the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary, and secured historic legislation to ban bullfighting in Colombia. And that’s not all! We’ve rescued four horses, released more tortoises, and there have been victories for circus animals, fur animals, octopuses, and farm animals. Together we are making a difference. Read on and enjoy some of the month’s victories.

Dumped in the streets of Kuwait City or left in the desert to die by callous owners, Saif, Dhubiya, Aziza, Muheeb, Saham, and Shujaa, had a real change in fortune when they were recaptured and offered a home at the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary. After being temporarily housed at Kuwait Zoo, the lions were sedated and loaded into travel crates for a flight on a cargo aircraft donated by the Qatar Airways WeQare program to take them to South Africa. The young lions have been enjoying their time in Africa and, after a period of quarantine and observation, this weekend will have access to their large, natural, main habitats. Watch out for an update and check us out on social media.

A huge thank you to everyone who supported this important rescue.

SAVE THE DATE: To help raise funds for the lions’ lifetime care, which may be as long as 20 years, we will be holding a very special Animal Art Auction June 14th – 21st. Keep a lookout on our social media for more details and how you can place a bid on your favourite!

Good news: After a seven-year battle to secure legislation to end this savage cruelty, May 28th saw the historic law passed banning bullfighting in Colombia.  In addition to ending the suffering of bulls and horses in Colombia this will have ramifications through the Latin world. Huge congratulations to ADI Colombia’s Yani Mateus and Eduardo Pena for their tireless work, the Colombia Sin Toreo coalition we were part of, and everyone who backed this campaign, WE DID IT!

Good news: Maryland became the fifth US state to ban the use of exotic animals (elephants, big cats, bears, and primates) in circuses and other travelling shows.  In other good news from the US, Hadi Shrine Circus are retiring elephants from their shows. If you live in the, take action for a nationwide ban – urge your Congress members to support the reintroduction of TEAPSPA (Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act).

Good news: Arlington became the seventh municipality in Massachusetts to ban the sale of new fur.  To take action against fur farming nationwide in the US, urge your Congress members to support the Mink VIRUS Act

Expanding its no fur stance, Copenhagen Fashion Week will no longer allow items in collections containing wild animal skins or feathers. The welcome move, starting next year, is part of a broader move to be more sustainable.

Good news: Four horses, parents Apollo and Amani, little Crockett, and Sammy were found hobbled and in poor condition in a township street, now they are roaming acres of space at ADIWS.  Our sanctuary has become a beacon of hope for many animals saved from abuse or traffickers, that would otherwise have nowhere to go. The horses have joined our rescued donkeys, geese, ducks, goats, sheep, pigs, and a cow, as well as, as a release site for, countless tortoises and turtles.

Save the date: In a few weeks’ time, we’ll be calling on those who represent us to act to protect nature and hope you can join us! The Restore Nature Now march and rally is a peaceful protect supported by members of the public from across the UK, and wildlife and environmental groups.

What: Restore Nature Now
When: Saturday 22 June, 12.00-4.30pm
Where: From Park Lane to Parliament Square, London
See www.restorenaturenow for more details. Email to let us know you will be attending.

Take action: The Faroe Islands resumed their annual hunt, Grindadrap, slaughtering over 170 pilot whales.   Pods of pilot whales, and other dolphin species, are chased into a bay and dragged to shore, knives and hooks used to injure and kill the animals, turning the waters red. ADI is part of the Stop the Grind coalition to end the hunt and need your help. Please email Visit Faroe Islands at and tell them you will not visit the Islands, as long as these barbaric hunts continue.

ADI South Africa has been in discussion with the Government of South Africa’s ministerial task force to develop plans to end lion farming. A response to the damage to the country’s reputation from the captive lion industry and canned hunting, a draft policy, which ADI submitted to, has been approved. South Africa has just had a general election and we will need to see how this is going to be progressed.

Good news: The UK’s Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill passed, making Britain the first European country to end the export of live animals for slaughter and fattening. In Australia, legislation has been introduced to ban the live export of sheep on ships to the Middle East.

Good news:  Washington State has banned Octopus farming, the unethical and environmentally harmful practice which leads to suffering and sickness for this most intelligent animal in the oceans. California is also considering a similar bill, AB-3162, which has passed the Assembly and is now in committee in the Senate. If you live in California, please urge your Senator to support AB-3162.

Good news: Three more rescued tortoises (including the big fellow pictured) have been released at ADIWS, after being confiscated by the SPCA from wildlife traffickers. Roaming freely over the Sanctuary, one large tortoise, released earlier this year and known as large Stefan, has taken up residence near Chris Lee Lodge and is regularly spotted.

Last month really showed how together we can make a difference for animals.  Please keep supporting our campaigns and rescues and let’s change the world for animals. Donate here.

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